
Synergon Holding (SH) investment policy is based on:

  • Investing in enterprises from a profit and strategic and perspective
  • Investing in different branches of the economy with a view to minimizing the risks
  • Reducing holdings of shares where the company is a minority shareholder and focusing on investments in enterprises where the Synergon Holding has a majority shareholding.
Along with the portfolio structuring, the Synergon Holding aims at influencing the subsidiary companies' policies through management assistance, refinancing, restructuring and defining a company’s concepts. The Holding representatives in the managing bodies exercise an on-going control. Financial and economic conditions and the usefulness of real estate and effectiveness of equipment use are analyzed in detail. Business programs on specific activities, revenues, expenditure and cash flow plans, marketing studies and programs for upgrading professional qualifications of the staff are made

The companies’ strategies are to successfully fulfill their investment program, complete major repairs, buy assets and build up their infrastructure. The ultimate aim is an improvement in production quality and increase in profits.